[image: ACE_NewEngland_cropped.jpg]
*Save the date for the return of*
*Wooden Warrior Day*
* Saturday, May 4, 2024*
*Quassy Amusement Park*
*Free Parking*
*Continental Breakfast*
*1 hour 45 minutes of morning ERT on Wooden Warrior*
*All-day wristband*
*Watch your email*
*(or the ACE New England Facebook page)*
*for further details!*
See you in the queue,
*Rus Ozana*
New England Assistant Regional Representative
American Coaster Enthusiasts
ridewithace.com <www.aceonline.org/>
rozana@aceonline.org <dperry@aceonline.org>
p: 617-816-9943
*1,057 coasters ridden in 33 states and 20 countries*
www.ACENewEngland.org <www.acenewengland.org/>