The Great Nor\’Easter – Just 2 weeks away!

If you are planning to attend ACE New England\’s The Great Nor\’Easter on
March 8, please reply to this e-mail by Friday, February 28. (Flier attached)

I need a count so that lunch can be provided, and name badges can be made
ahead of time.

To date, I\’ve only received confirmation of attendance from the
Amy Orvis
Audrey, Roger & Ruth Colson
Beth Atkinson
Christian Piccolo
Cliff Sales Family
David Larson
Deb Vanderpoel
Donna Piper
Harrison Carmichael
Jan Good
Josh Martins
Judy Marcin
Larry & Tina Hall
Liz Loomer
Mike Rutter
Paul Coulombe
Rick White

Thank you, and hope to see you on March 8!

See you in the queue,

Rus Ozana
New England Regional Representative
American Coaster Enthusiasts
_rozana@ACEonline.org_ (
736 Coasters in 31 states and 15 countries
National ACE address:
American Coaster Enthusiasts
P.O. Box 540261
Grand Prairie TX 75054-0261
Phone: (469) 278-6223
_www.ACENewEngland.org_ (
_www.ACEonline.org_ (
\'pdf 2014-NorEaster-Flier.pdf