A \”Last Call\” + an \’Advanced Notice\”

Hi all,

First up –

Concerns about possible adverse weather conditions aside…..

Last call for anyone planning to attend the Story Land construction tour of
Roar-O-Saurus on Saturday, February 22. So far, the people listed below
have replied:

Al Soares Ann Feeley Bill Buckley Brian Dingwell & guest Dave &
Jody Madore Deb Vanderpoel Donna Piper Harrison Carmichael Jan Good
Jeff and Leslie Graham Judy Marcin Luko Simlesa May Reinert Michael
Coutermarsh Mike Thompson Paul Daley Steve & Simon Barrett Tony Ubinas

If you would like to attend the tour, and your name is not listed above,
please reply to this e-mail as I promised to provide an approximate
attendance number

The plan: We will all meet up with Story Land staff near the main gate in
the parking lot at 11 a.m. (please allow adequate travel time). Then we
will drive up to an upper lot and walk into the park from there.

Lunch (pizza) will be in the maintenance cafe.

Bring your camera and your questions, and cross your fingers for great
traveling weather next Saturday!

I\’ll confirm with the park should the weather forecast be \’threatening\’,
to make sure the tour will proceed. If not, I\’ll e-mail everyone that is
planning to attend (and those planning to go, please e-mail me if your plans
change). Thanks!

Secondly –

The 4th Annual Wooden Warrior Day at Quassy Amusement Park has been
scheduled. See complete details here:


See you in the queue,

Rus Ozana
New England Regional Representative
American Coaster Enthusiasts
_rozana@ACEonline.org_ (mailto:rozana@ACEonline.org)
736 Coasters in 31 states and 15 countries
National ACE address:
American Coaster Enthusiasts
P.O. Box 540261
Grand Prairie TX 75054-0261
Phone: (469) 278-6223
Email: info@aceonline.org
_www.ACENewEngland.org_ (http://www.acenewengland.org/)
_www.ACEonline.org_ (http://www.aceonline.org/)