Cedar Point Regional Event

If you’re in the Cedar Point area on August 16, you may want to take note
of the following regional event:

ACE Northern Ohio once again returns to Sandusky and Cedar Point for North
Coast Con 2014. This year’s event highlights a few of the Cedar Point
coasters celebrating a major anniversary during the 2014 season. Your day
starts with ERT featuring GateKeeper and the 50-year old classic Blue Streak.
During the day, attendees can participate in the return of the Northern Ohio
Scavenger Hunt and join us for some informal takeovers of other Cedar Point
rides and other surprises. Your evening concludes with ERT on Millennium
Force and the 25-year old Magnum XL-200.
Included with your registration is park admission (if necessary), a dinner
consisting of bratwurst, grilled chicken, tossed salad, and pasta salad,
and all-you-can-drink wristbands for the day!!!
All event information, including how to register, can be found in the
event flier at http://www.aceonline.org/fliers/NorthCoastCon2014.pdf.
Registration closes on Saturday, August 2, 2014, so don’t wait!!

Countdown To Connecticut registration deadline!

Hi all,

Registration deadline is this coming Wednesday, July 23,


Countdown To Connecticut
(event date August 2)

There is no on-site registration.

Flier attached, with mail-in registration form.

On-line registration (surcharge applies) at:


Hope you can join us!

See you in the queue,

Rus Ozana
New England Regional Representative
American Coaster Enthusiasts
_rozana@ACEonline.org_ (mailto:rozana@ACEonline.org)
762 Coasters in 31 states and 15 countries
_www.ACENewEngland.org_ (http://www.acenewengland.org/)
_www.ACEonline.org_ (http://www.aceonline.org/)

pdf icon FLIER-FINAL.pdf

ACE Elections – Deadline is TODAY

Just a reminder to all ACE members… If you haven’t done so already, the
voting deadline is here.

Voting for ACE Officers and for Bylaws changes closes out today (Tuesday,
July 15th) at 11:59 PM EDT.


Rus Ozana
New England Regional Representative
American Coaster Enthusiasts
_rozana@ACEonline.org_ (mailto:rozana@ACEonline.org)
762 Coasters in 31 states and 15 countries
_www.ACENewEngland.org_ (http://www.acenewengland.org/)
_www.ACEonline.org_ (http://www.aceonline.org/)

Ceremonial Ride on Cyclone for Media

Hey All!
Six Flags New England has a VERY exciting opportunity for a select number
of ACE members. SFNE is going to be hosting a ceremonial ride on Cyclone at
noon on July 20.
This is the ‘media ride’, and they are seeking 24 ACE members to
participate. Those involved would get tons of media exposure and be a part of the
ultimate retirement party. There is going to be cake, balloons and a
send-off to the Cyclone in the most exciting event of the year.
They need the most passionate, seasoned and knowledgeable ACE members. If
they do not have a season pass, they will get FREE admission along with a
once in a lifetime experience (ACE members only. Sorry, NO guests).
Here is what is needed if you wish to participate:
· Your Name:
· How many coasters you have been on:
· Ability to speak with media:
· What does the Cyclone mean to you:
· Your Email Address:
If you can commit to attending, e-mail me directly with the above
information by Wednesday, July 16. If more than 24 of you reply, numbers 25+ will
become alternates.
Hope to hear from you soon!

Rus Ozana
New England Regional Representative
American Coaster Enthusiasts
_rozana@ACEonline.org_ (mailto:rozana@ACEonline.org)
762 Coasters in 31 states and 15 countries
_www.ACENewEngland.org_ (http://www.acenewengland.org/)
_www.ACEonline.org_ (http://www.aceonline.org/)