Registration Deadline for The Great Nor’Easter

*Online* registration for ACE New England’s *The Great Nor’Easter 2019*
ends tomorrow, February 10, at midnight. (Mail-in registrations need to be
in my hands today – and today’s mail hasn’t yet arrived). The event takes
place on Saturday, February 16.

Those who have registered for the event should have received an email
confirmation. If you registered and did *not* receive a confirmation,
please reply to this email.

So the remainder of this email is a reminder that if you wish to attend the
event, you must register online by tomorrow at midnight! The link to
register is on the flier (attached), or if you don’t need the flier and
just want the link, click here <>.

Hope to see you there.

See you in the queue,


Rus Ozana
New England Regional Representative
American Coaster Enthusiasts

*966 Coasters ridden in 33 states and 20 countries* <> <>

The Great Nor’Easter registration deadline

*Just 5 days remain to register for ACE New England’s*



*Advance registrations only – no onsite registrations.*

*Deadline is February 10. *

*See attached flier for all the details.*

See you in the queue,


Rus Ozana
New England Regional Representative
American Coaster Enthusiasts

*966 Coasters ridden in 33 states and 20 countries* <> <>

Big request/favor?

Dave Jackson, ACE member from Cincinnati, OH posted the following to the
ACE New England Facebook page. I know not everyone is on Facebook, so I
share his post with you.

*OK. Got a question for all the ACE members out there. Convention is in
southern California this year. Emery Picotte is the Photo Contest Director,
and I always assist him with the contest. Emery (as you already know) lives
in Rhode island. I, as you should know by now, live in Cincinnati, OH.
Right now, we have been having preliminary conversations about how to get
to the convention, and how to get the photo contest materials to southern
California. Is it possible, by some extreme miracle, that the materials
might be able to find their way to Cincinnati before June 18th? I realize
this would take an extreme amount of planning and execution on the part of
a whole lot of people. Perhaps someone could take them to opening day at
Knobel’s, pass them on to someone who is planning on coming to Coasterstock
at King’s Island? Or perhaps Coastermania at Cedar Point, where they could
be passed to someone coming south to King’s Island? I should be able to get
them to California. (should) Like I said, preliminary planning, but we
would need to know as soon as possible so travel plans can be made. Thanks
for reading through this, and thanks for any help you might be able to give
or suggest.*

Anyone who might be able to assist in Dave’s request – please contact Emery
Picotte at, or Dave Jackson at

Thanks in advance!

See you in the queue,


Rus Ozana
New England Regional Representative
American Coaster Enthusiasts

*966 Coasters ridden in 33 states and 20 countries* <> <>

The Great Nor’Easter – just 3 weeks away!

ACE New England’s The Great Nor’Easter takes place just 3 weeks from today,
on February 16, 2019.

Advance registration is required by February 10 (see attached flier).

*Park Reps – Door Prizes – Games – Videos – Food – Photo Contest
– Other Surprises!*

Hope to see you there!!!!!!!!!!!

See you in the queue,


Rus Ozana
New England Regional Representative
American Coaster Enthusiasts

*966 Coasters ridden in 33 states and 20 countries* <> <>