ACE Day At The Lake – registration deadline coming soon

With the national ACE Summer Conference happening this weekend, it might
be easy to forget about our upcoming regional event.

Tuesday, July 30, is the last day for online registration to attend *ACE
Day At The Lake*, at Lake Compounce in Bristol, Connecticut. (Mail-in
registrations must be *received* by that date).

Nearly all the details (including the menu for our picnic buffet) appear on
the attached flier.

Not mentioned on the flier is the optional photo scavenger hunt. You can
pick up your packet at registration if you wish to play (and yes, there is
a prize for the winner).

For those attending Summer Conference, I’ll see you there. Otherwise, I
hope to see you at “The Lake” on August 10!

See you in the queue,


Rus Ozana
New England Regional Representative
American Coaster Enthusiasts

*989 Coasters ridden in 33 states and 20 countries* <> <>

ACE Day At The Lake (Lake Compounce, that is)

The national ACE Summer Conference takes place beginning Friday, July 26
(next week!) Hopefully you are one of the 100+ who have registered for the
fun to be had at Funtown Splashtown USA, Story Land and Santa’s Village.

Now you can turn your thoughts to our regional *ACE Day At The Lake*! The
event takes place on August 10, just over 3 weeks away, and registration is
open. The flier is attached, and you can either mail in your registration,
or simply register online (with *no* service fee), just click here.

See you in the queue,


Rus Ozana
New England Regional Representative
American Coaster Enthusiasts

*989 Coasters ridden in 33 states and 20 countries* <> <>

Story Land / Coasting For Kids

Hey New England ACE members!

ACE Cares / Coasting for Kids is coming to Story Land on July 13 – just two
weeks away!

To participate or contribute to the cause, click on the link below for all
the necessary details.

Thanks in advance, and hope to see you there!

See you in the queue,


Rus Ozana
New England Regional Representative
American Coaster Enthusiasts

*989 Coasters ridden in 33 states and 20 countries* <> <>

“Best Coaster” Poll on USA Today

In case you’ve missed it, USA Today is running a ‘best coaster’ poll. Six
Flags New England’s own *Superman: The Ride* is in the running!

Click on this link to vote and to check out the competition! (And try to
ignore the fact that USA Today has used a photo of S:TR from the Maryland

See you in the queue,


Rus Ozana
New England Regional Representative
American Coaster Enthusiasts

*973 Coasters ridden in 33 states and 20 countries* <> <>