**Coasting for Kids Team Leaders Needed**

ACE Cares is looking for team captains for the Coasting for Kids event
at Lake Compounce!  Please contact Adam Napotnik at
anapotnik@aceonline.org <mailto:anapotnik@aceonline.org> or David
Lipnicky at dlipnicky@aceonline.org <mailto:dlipnicky@aceonline.org> if
you are interested or have questions.

* Lake Compounce, Bristol, Connecticut — September 4, 2021

In addition, all Coasting for Kids 2021 events are accepting members and

This year is particularly exciting because team members are getting a
Give Kids The World Village
<458rl1jp.r.us-east-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2F458rl1jp.r.us-east-1.awstrack.me%2FL0%2Fhttps:%252F%252Fwww.gktw.org%252F%2F1%2F0100017986f931f9-31a33a59-1121-4d48-a4b7-a10f5a253c9b-000000%2FtyV_F5…> shirt
which now includes ACE as an official partner. This year’s T-shirt will
feature the ACE logo on the back for the first time! Please consider
joining our ACE Cares team to get your hands on this year’s shirt!

See you in the queue,


Rus Ozana
New England Regional Representative
American Coaster Enthusiasts
rozana@ACEonline.org <mailto:rozana@ACEonline.org>

/1,015 coasters ridden in 33 states and 20 countries/

www.ACENewEngland.org <www.acenewengland.org/>

www.ACEonline.org <www.aceonline.org/>

Quassy Interview for World Roller Coaster Appreciation Month

American Coaster Enthusiasts (ACE) has posted a  great interview
regarding Quassy’s /Wooden Warrior/ during World Roller Coaster
Appreciation Month – link below:


If you haven’t seen it already, check it out!

See you in the queue,


Rus Ozana
New England Regional Representative
American Coaster Enthusiasts
rozana@ACEonline.org <mailto:rozana@ACEonline.org>

/1,012 coasters ridden in 33 states and 20 countries/

www.ACENewEngland.org <www.acenewengland.org/>

www.ACEonline.org <www.aceonline.org/>

World Roller Coaster Appreciation Month

Did you know June is World Roller Coaster Appreciation Month?

Check out the link below for information on activities!

www.aceonline.org/page/wrcam <www.aceonline.org/page/wrcam>

See you in the queue,


Rus Ozana
New England Regional Representative
American Coaster Enthusiasts
rozana@ACEonline.org <mailto:rozana@ACEonline.org>

/1,012 coasters ridden in 33 states and 20 countries/

www.ACENewEngland.org <www.acenewengland.org/>

www.ACEonline.org <www.aceonline.org/>

“Two-fer Connecticut”

The event flier is now complete, and a copy is attached.

For those needing only the online registration link (which was not
available when I sent out the draft flier earlier this week), this is it:


Hope to have you join us for the fun!

See you in the queue,


Rus Ozana
New England Regional Representative
American Coaster Enthusiasts
rozana@ACEonline.org <mailto:rozana@ACEonline.org>

/1,012 coasters ridden in 33 states and 20 countries/

www.ACENewEngland.org <www.acenewengland.org/>

www.ACEonline.org <www.aceonline.org/>