ACE Regional Event: Two-Fer in Connecticut – July 18

Hi all,

I spoke with my reps at both Quassy and Lake Compounce this morning, and
the event is a* GO!*

While many adjustments to the original plans have to be made, and will be
worked on over the next few days, I wanted to share that the event is still
on the books so that you can pencil it in on your calendar.

So watch for my next email with all the details!

(Hope to) See you in the queue,


Rus Ozana
New England Regional Representative
American Coaster Enthusiasts

*1,007 coasters ridden in 33 states and 20 countries* <> <>

New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu Announces that Amusement Parks can open June 29

Although NO New Hampshire parks have announced an opening date, this hit
the news today.

As parks announce opening dates, I’ll be sure to share the info as I
receive it.

[image: NEAAPA – New England’s Entertainment Association]

*Proudly Supporting the Business of Fun Since 1913*


*New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu Announces that Amusement Parks can
open June 29*

During a press conference today, Governor Chris Sununu announced that many
types of businesses including amusement parks will be able to open on
Monday, June 29.

Bowling and entertainment centers, tourist trains, and outdoor attractions
including but not limited to batting cages, playgrounds, zip lines,
chairlifts, ropes courses/aerial parks, and petting zoos are able to open
with restrictions on Monday, June 15.

The guidance for businesses that can open on June 15 can be found at

Guidance on amusement parks, indoor movie theaters, and performing arts
will be released in the near future.

Thank you to the members who worked hard with the Governor’s Economic
Re-Opening Taskforce and New Hampshire Public Health to get the new, flexed
guidance documents in place, and will allow the industry to safely reopen
for the summer.

Should you have any questions, please send me an email or give me a call.



Ed Hodgdon
NEAAPA – New England’s Entertainment Association

See you in the queue,


Rus Ozana
New England Regional Representative
American Coaster Enthusiasts

*1,007 coasters ridden in 33 states and 20 countries* <> <>

Coaster Con At Home

And now, for something that will be both familiar and
completely different…. (and no vacation time, hotel stay or registration

Join ACE for Coaster Con at Home, the virtual Coaster Con event. June 20
to 27, 2020

Click on the link below for all the details!

Of particular note, 2020 is an ACE election year: The *candidates’
platforms and proposed constitution and bylaw changes*
also available online for review.

This year’s *annual business meeting report booklet*
as well as the *draft minutes for the 2019 annual business meeting*
are both available for download. (Note: You must be signed in to access the
business meeting files.)

See you in the queue,


Rus Ozana
New England Regional Representative
American Coaster Enthusiasts

*1,007 coasters ridden in 33 states and 20 countries* <> <>

Lake Compunce Opens July 1 for Season Passholders & Campers at Bear Creek and July 6 for the General Public!

Click on the link below for details!

The visit reservation link can be found when you click on the *Plan A Visit*

See you in the queue,


Rus Ozana
New England Regional Representative
American Coaster Enthusiasts

*1,007 coasters ridden in 33 states and 20 countries* <> <>